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Mining- ski resort Hatsvali is distanced with 8 kilometers from Mestia. The maximum height from sea level is 2348 meter. Except the asphalted automobile way Hatsvali is connected to Mestia with ropeway. In Hatsvali are 5 ski slopes, their length totally consist 7 kilometers. The longest distance of slope is about 3 kilometer. Here you will see ski slopes for starter skiers, also as for professionals and extremals.

In Hatsvali are installed night illuminations, where often takes place a night skating, which is very spectacular and impressive, with extreme.


Mining- ski resort Tetnuldi is distanced with 15 kilometers from Mestia and it is an incredible to see in all four seasons. Average transportation time from Mestia is 1 hour; the maximum height from sea level is 3160 meter. Tetnuldi ski slope is the longest way (9,5 km) in Transcaucasia with the largest vertical slope (1.7 km). The total length of ski traces is 30 kilometer. At the resort Tetnuldi currently are installed 4 cables , two open and two with buble type.

Shdugra waterfall

While visiting Mestia, you should not miss the chance to see the most affluent waterfall Shdugra. Footway to the waterfall begins in the village Mather, which is distanced with 24 kilometers from the hotel. The path is moderately difficult, follows to the fields and apruce forest and will take you at the waterfall as to the lower , also to the upper side. For coming into the beginning of the waterfall you should walk 3 kilometers of length way, but it is definitely worth to see the view of Svaneti that is visible from the head of waterfall.

Recommendation of the hotel is, do not listen to them who will try to share impressions caused with seeing of the view, because the emotion that will be transferred by the waterfall Shdugra is only your and you can not talk about it.


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